GPLEPC Facilities participate in CIMA Zone 1 drill co-hosted by Targa Resources and Magellan Midstre

A large contingent of Channel Industries Mutual Aid members and their emergency response equipment from all around the Houston Ship Channel participated in a Zone 1 Emergency Response Drill at the Targa Midstream Resources / Magellan Midstream Partners complex & docks on March 22nd.
Scenarios included fire and injury aboard a docked ship, a storage tank fire, a barge fire, a grass fire within the complex, a medical emergency, and a chemical leak.
CIMA is a non-profit organization combining the fire-fighting, rescue, hazardous material handling and emergency medical capabilities of the refining and petrochemical industry in the Houston Ship Channel and Metro Houston area. CIMA members include industrial companies, municipalities and government agencies, who work cooperatively to cover four geographic response zones.